Monday, August 25, 2008

My latest YOGA video!!!

Take a look at my new video...hope you like it!
Peace & Blessings,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Freedom in the Asana

The asana practice is truly a blessing of self-discovery. Each time I visit the mat, it feels very familiar yet fearfully new. Those first few moments of feeling the sensations of natural rubber beneath my feet, the airy space surrounding my body, and the joy of knowing I have finally arrived, sends pure bliss running through my veins. However, I am also flooded with thoughts of knowing I have to listen, be present, and fully conscious in order to be receptive to the gifts of the practice. This is the sense of newest, because I am totally unaware of the gifts the Divine has in store.

As I breathe and move in and out of the asana experience, I am constantly reminded that the beauty and art of the practice is about uncovering and peeling back the layers of who I am. As someone who did ballet and modern dance most of my life, the asana practice was first an easy fit. Then I spent years paralyzed by the perfection of having to get the postures just right. After many moons, I realized I needed to find the passion in the experience. Somewhat like those moments, when music, dance and my body became one. The beauty of the unknown and the possibility of what is being revealed has taken hold of my physical form and pours luscious nectar into my soul. That unconscious flow of spirit and lightness in my heart, continues to give me “freedom in the asana.”

At that sweet moment on the mat, I begin to listen and truly hear God speaking through my body.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lessons of Mindfulness

Approaching your life from a healing perception, requires inner wakefulness and personal acceptance of personal responsibilities. Lack of motivation, old habits, laziness, self-deception and passive states of mind are not conductive for those who seek to walk path of freedom and bliss.

Ayurveda and yoga are tools that encourage mindfulness in every aspect of your life. From the simple acts of awaking to the morning sun, taking your dog on a morning walk, holding the elevator for a co-worker, making time to enjoy a meal, and of course retiring at night to a star filled sky, the elements of yoga and Ayurveda teach conscious choices at every step in your life.

We all have varying experiences with food. I sometimes equate eating with relationships. At one moment the senses stimulate pleasing memories, taste activate moments of bliss, and there are times when we eat so fast that we barely remember what we ate. The tools of Ayurveda and yoga help us to become aware of the joyous process of food. It initially starts with purchasing organically grown foods from local farmers, cooking with fresh ingredients, inhaling with deep appreciation the bounty you have been given, and finally mindfully consuming the meal.

With food and in life, allow yourself time to slowly connect and experience of joy in front of you. When we consciously slow down the process of accepting the beauty in front of us, we naturally return to our true state of happiness.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Restorative Yoga!

You know it! Many yoga postures taste sweeter when they are supported by props. With the heat of summer beating upon us, take a few moments to slow down your practice with Shakti Sweetness or the Sukha Vinyasa Workshop. A restorative or slower practice is supported by blocks, blankets, straps, and juicy bolsters. A more nurturing practice enables you slowly stretch the body, and gently make room for deep relaxation. Take an hour and RELAX!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ayurveda, yoga & fibromyalgia

Here are a few recommendations I'm including in the July 2008 Shakti eNewsletter. I'm really into Ayurveda, and each month I share a few tips and recommentations.

Simple Treatments for Fibromyalgia

Do you have pain from head to toe? Are you tossing and turning each night and unable to sleep? Do you wake up to pain and a foggy brain in the morning? These are common symptoms experienced by those suffering from fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Within the science of Ayurveda, it is believed that these symptoms are a result of a Vata imbalance. Vata is the main imbalance and Aggravated Vata destabilizes the nervous system and can create hypersensitivity leading to pain and tenderness. The following are Ayurvedic treatments that can bring Vata in balance, directly address of the cause of FMS/CFS and effectively treat the symptoms.

Things to eat: Vegetable juices & soups (carrot, cucumber, & beetroot), coconut water/coconut milk, cooked vegetables, spices (cumin, coriander, & ginger asafetida), green salad with a dressing of lemon juice and a little salt.

Things to avoid: Eating hot, spicy & fried foods, drinking too much tea, coffee, alcohol, sleeping during the day and staying up late at night, and of course, avoid mental tensions.

Yoga Practice: It is well documented that fibromyalgia is often worsened by heightened stress, anxiety and mental fatigue. Therefore, the practice of yoga is highly recommended. Practice meditation, yoga asana (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), or study spiritual philosophy. All of these will help support personal healing and relaxation of the mind.Yoga Asana Class recommendations: Restorative Yoga (Shakti Sweetness every Sat at 4pm), Yoga Nidra (soon this will be added to the Shakti schedule), slow moving vinyasa (if it feels comfortable – pausing in child’s pose when needed).

Things you can do at home: hot baths, relaxation music, bodywork (gentle massage), energy work (Reiki), and gentle exercise at home.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This week has been very emotional. As you may know, I have been making an attempt to write a book about my life. It has been a very difficult process. While chatting with another yoga instructor, I have decided to start writing about my spiritual path…Tantra. As a Trantric, my life is about expanding all levels of my consciousness to unveil and realize my personal Supreme Reality. As you will soon learn, tantra is not about sex. With that thought, I have started a new blog that specifically talks about this path and my experiences. I believe this will help me to embrace my true essence, live more fully, and hopefully help others do the same.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Note to My Yoga Teacher Trainees

Here's a note I just sent to my yoga teacher trainees at Shakti MindBody Studio. This coming Sat & Sun they have their Final written and teaching exam. Many of them are nervous. I know in my heart, they will be GREAT Yoga Instructors...My Adho Girls! We have 6 students: Camille, Elizabeth, Erika, Dehejia, Nida, & Tazima (not in the pic).

Ladies, Ladies...

You all are amazing women, who have embarked on a life changing journey. Think of the next few days as your true path as modern day yogis. You are guided by your ancestors and the yogis of old who have blessed us with this divine practice. You have nothing to fear because you were born a yogi, and this is your moment to step into your light and just BE YOU! No worries ladies, like Tazima said...just breath!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The foundation...

Many think freedom comes from removing the pains and stressors of life. I believe this is not the case. Freedom comes when we fully steep into our own personal realities, and live life with passion and zest. Removing ourselves from the truth and savoring the fantasy of denial only leads to temporary happiness. Our goal is to dive into the deep end, open our hearts to the unexpected, and splash around in the nectar called LIFE!